Patient Rights and Responsibilities in Plastic Surgery

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Picture of Damita Joy Ferguson, MEd, PharmD, MBA

Damita Joy Ferguson, MEd, PharmD, MBA

Damita Ferguson is a pharmacist with more than 20 years of experience. A graduate of the University of Florida, she has devoted her life to teaching and helping Americans achieve wellness. She believes empowered patients strengthen the healthcare system, and they deserve the care they expect.

Chances are if you’re reading this, you are in the research phase of your plastic surgery journey.  You are realizing the more information you have, the more prepared you are to have informed discussions with your surgeon. You are near ready to talk about your goals and expectations and know more about the risks involved.   At this point, you want to play an active role in all decision-making and know you have rights and responsibilities as a patient. In this article, we review both.

Guiding Principles

In a nutshell, patient rights define standards of care. They clearly say how you can expect to be treated as a patient.  Widely accepted guiding principles for patient rights are the expectations:

  • The surgeon who is working with you will do what is in your best interest 
  • You will be able to make decisions that benefit you, even if you are not in agreement with the surgeon 
  • The surgeon that you are working with will do no harm and ensure every step they make is for the benefit of your health and wellness
  • You will work alongside your surgeon to make decisions on how you will move forward together to achieve your goals and expectations
Patient Rights and Responsibilities
Rights and Responsibilities
  • You will be treated the same way your surgeon treats all of their patients regardless of who you are, how you identify, your background, beliefs, preferences, or anything that makes you different from others
  • Your surgeon will discuss with you and make sure you clearly understand: the procedure that you’re having, the risks and the benefits of the procedure, any reasonable alternatives to the procedure, and the risks and the benefits of the alternatives so you are able to give informed consent.

These guiding principles give you the right to receive care according to your wishes. This applies to medical emergencies, the right to privacy, and the right to refuse care.  They also give the surgeon the right to refuse care if your goals and expectations place you in harm’s way or jeopardize your safety. CLICK HERE to learn more about Finding the Right Plastic Surgeon for You.

Go the Right Way

As you begin to narrow your choice of potential plastic surgeons, look for surgeon partners who have a list of patient rights and responsibilities available in their offices on the day of your consultation. 

12 Important Rights You Have as a Plastic Surgery Patient include the right to:

  • Respect and dignity 
  • Privacy and confidentiality
  • Safety
  • Pain management
  • Communication of treatment plans and other important information
  • A complete itemized bill before your surgery
  • Information and education so you are able to give informed consent
  • Refuse treatment
  • Continuity of care
  • Emergency care
  • Know the name of every person who will provide care during your surgery
  • The same level of care as other patients your surgeon serves

For more information on your rights as a patient, click the link to visit the American Medical Association’s guide to patient rights.

Your Responsibilities as A Plastic Surgery Patient

As a patient on the plastic surgery journey, you have a responsibility to fully participate in the process. You must be 100% honest with your surgeon as they work to gather information to determine whether surgery is in your best interest. The decision should depend on your lifestyle, overall health, and your ability to comply with their instructions and recommendations.  

The best predictors of a healthy, predictable recovery with desired results are your readiness for surgery and your commitment to following the surgeon’s orders after the procedure.  If you are expecting a partnership with your plastic surgeon and their team, it is only right that they expect a partnership with you.

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

8 Important Responsibilities You Have as a Plastic Surgery Patient include the responsibility to:

  • Be honest and offer to provide information to your surgeon about your past illnesses, medications, hospitalizations, family history, lifestyle, etc.
  • Cooperate with the treatment plans you agree to and voluntarily tell your surgeon when you have acted outside of the agreed-upon treatment plan
  • Accept care from healthcare providers training under your surgeon (students, residents, fellows) with appropriate supervision or clearly communicate your right to refuse care from trainees
  • Meet your financial responsibilities
  • Avoid disruptive behavior in healthcare facilities
  • Avoid participating in medical fraud
  • Report illegal or unethical behaviors of healthcare providers
  • Avoid behaviors or activities that place others at risk

For more information on patient rights and responsibilities, click the link to visit the American Medical Association’s guide to patient responsibilities.

Putting It All Together

The balance between the rights and responsibilities of physicians and patients must be maintained if patients are to receive the best healthcare available.  In the case of the plastic surgery patient, positive post-surgery outcomes, met expectations, and future health and wellness are the desired goals.  Surgeons and patients who work together are better prepared to achieve these goals.  


This blog is written by a Doctor of Pharmacy, not a Medical Doctor.  All content and information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice, and does not establish any kind of patient-client relationship by your use of this website.  Although we strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in the area for your particular needs and circumstances prior to making any professional, legal, medical, and financial decisions.

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