The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Right Plastic Surgeon For You

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Picture of Damita Joy Ferguson, MEd, PharmD, MBA

Damita Joy Ferguson, MEd, PharmD, MBA

Damita Ferguson is a pharmacist with more than 20 years of experience. A graduate of the University of Florida, she has devoted her life to teaching and helping Americans achieve wellness. She believes empowered patients strengthen the healthcare system, and they deserve the care they expect.

If you are new to the plastic surgery world, you know it is not always easy to get the information you need in order to make choices that are best for you.   Day by day, you are probably stumbling upon information that may or may not be helpful. In this article, you will uncover tools and resources to guide finding the right plastic surgeon for you.

It’s no surprise that plastic surgeons are surfacing all over the United States with the promise that they can give you the body you want. And with the increasing popularity of plastic surgery, patients have more opportunities to choose a doctor whose training, experience, personality, and price are just right for them.

It’s not enough for plastic surgeons to have the title MD any more. They must have advanced training, a reputation for consistent and attractive results, and knowledge of how to manage medical emergencies.   At the end of the day, you want to look great and you must survive.

Unlock the Research Code

Let’s face it, good research answers questions about licensing, training, experience, history, the environment the surgeon works and operates in, the way they care for their patients before and after surgery, and the level of professionalism of the surgeon and their team. There is no research blueprint or a course on finding the right plastic surgeon, and there is so much to learn and discover.

What questions do you need to ask in order to narrow your surgeon choices? And what are those questions that are often left on the table patients wish they had asked before things went wrong? Read on to find out exactly which questions you need to answer to determine if a plastic surgeon is right for you.

Finding a Plastic Surgeon to Keep You Safe

The probability of a safe and predictable cosmetic surgery procedure can improve by answering questions about the doctor’s license and record with the board of medicine in the state where they work and operate and their training beyond medical school and residency. The facility where the surgeon and their teamwork also play a major role in keeping you safe.   Answer these questions for guidance on safety.

  • Does the surgeon have a valid, unrestricted license to practice medicine in the state where they work and operate?
  • Does the surgeon have a record of discipline for malpractice, abuse, improper record-keeping, or unprofessional conduct?
  • Did the surgeon complete a plastic surgery residency?
  • Is the surgeon board certified in plastic surgery?
  • If the surgeon is not board certified in plastic surgery, are they working towards board certification?
  • Is the facility where the surgeon works and operates an accredited facility (extra measures taken to keep patients safe)?  
  • If the facility where the surgeon works and operates is not accredited, how does the surgeon ensure patient safety?
  • Has the facility where the surgeon works and operates dealt with a medical emergency in the last year? How many?  Did the patient(s) survive?
  • Who is the person that will give the anesthesia (name and title)?
  • Is the person who will give the anesthesia licensed by the board of medicine in the state?
  • Has the person who will give the anesthesia been disciplined for malpractice, abuse, improper record-keeping, or unprofessional conduct?
  • What type of anesthesia is required for the surgery?  Allergies to anesthesia?

Finding a Plastic Surgeon Who Can Deliver

The plastic surgeon is as much an artist as they are a scientist, and they use experience to level up. The photos and reviews tell you a lot about the surgeon’s work. But it’s the details in the photos and reviews that tell you whether they are average, above average, or excellent when it comes to delivering results. If you are looking to enhance your body, excellence is the goal.  The following questions help you get beyond the surface to the details you need to know to choose the surgeon who can deliver on YOUR expectations.

  • How many years has the doctor worked as a plastic surgeon?
  • How often does the surgeon perform the surgery of your choice?
  • Does the surgeon have a photo gallery of past patients pre-and post-op?
  • Does the surgeon use drawings or diagrams to show patients how he plans to contour their bodies?
  • Do any of the patients in the surgeon’s photo gallery have your body type and weight?
  • Do the patients in the surgeon’s photo gallery that have your body type and weight have results that would satisfy you?
  • In the photos, do you see straight lines, smooth curves, depressions at the incision (cut) site, scar tissue (expected and unexpected), extra skin, or patches of skin that are darker than the skin surrounding it?
  • Does the surgeon have mostly positive reviews on results?
  • In reviews, do the surgeon’s patients say they would have surgery with the surgeon again?
  • In reviews, do patients talk about revisions due to dimples, grooves, wrinkles, folds, or lumps?

Finding a Plastic Surgeon Who Cares

Surgeons are human just like you, which is why it’s important you understand that they may approach pre-op and post-op care differently than their peers based on their own practice standards. And that’s okay. But it’s also important that you know, you have the right to choose a surgeon whose personality and way of caring for patients matches the expectations you have for the person who will have your life in their hands.  This section focuses on how surgeons treat their patients before and after surgery.  Use these questions to uncover what matters for you as you choose the right surgeon for YOU.

  • Does the surgeon discuss patient requirements and expectations in consultations?
  • Does the surgeon discuss the risks of cosmetic surgery?
  • How often does the surgeon perform revisions on patients? What are the most common reasons?
  • Does the surgeon evaluate the body and point out areas where there are existing contour irregularities and skin depressions, and poor skin elasticity?
  • Does the surgeon discuss lifestyle modifications, like exercise, a healthy diet, and smoking cessation?
  • Does the surgeon discuss options to cosmetic surgery?
  • Does the surgeon discuss medications and health conditions that can contribute to complications?

Also Ask….

  • Does the surgeon explain the phases of recovery and what to expect in each phase?
  • Is there a doctor or registered nurse on call for after-hour complications or emergencies?
  • Does the surgeon provide guidance on compression garment selections and lymphatic massages?
  • Does the surgeon provide reading materials to further explain the cosmetic surgery procedure?
  • Are the surgeon and team members friendly and open to questions?
  • Was the consultation wait time reasonable?
  • When attempting to contact the surgeon, is there a reasonable response time?
  • Does the surgeon discuss how patient progress is monitored after surgery?
  • Is there a follow-up appointment 6 months after surgery when the swelling has resolved?

Take the Mystery Out of Costs of Plastic Surgery

Knowing the total cost of your cosmetic surgery procedure upfront will go a long way in your decision-making.  Budgeting, planning, and scheduling your cosmetic surgery will be easier and more manageable.  Plus, you want to know that there won’t be any additional fees or costs associated with your procedure that you will be responsible for at the end of your journey.  Use these questions to give you a complete picture of the cost of your cosmetic surgery. You can also CLICK HERE to find the average surgeon’s fee for your procedure.

  • What is the cost range of the surgery of your choice?  What is your budget?
  • Is the surgeon you are considering open about pricing?
  • What are the costs that are not included in the surgery cost, if the cost is not all-inclusive? 
  • In past reviews, have past patients complained of unexpected costs?
  • What is the refund policy for your surgeon of choice?
  • Is there a security deposit? Are security deposits refundable?
  • If you must reschedule, what is the allowable time period after the initial date?
  • If a revision is necessary, is it at a discounted cost?


Finding the right plastic surgeon for you is challenging if you don’t know the questions to ask to get the answers you need.   Use this guide to help direct you towards a highly trained plastic surgeon that has the experience to deliver the results you want. Also, look for a surgeon who gives great pre-op and post-op care, and has the right price for you.  At the end of your journey, you will appreciate that you invested the time needed to answer these questions, and you will likely be more satisfied than those who did not know better.  Most importantly, you will have the confidence of knowing you found the right plastic surgeon for YOU. Click here to learn more about board certification.


This blog is written by a Doctor of Pharmacy, not a Medical Doctor.  All content and information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice, and does not establish any kind of patient-client relationship by your use of this website.  Although we strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in the area for your particular needs and circumstances prior to making any professional, legal, medical, and financial decisions.

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